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Healthcare Team

Find the best person to help you


We have a First Contact Physiotherapist who will contact you first by telephone and arrange for you to be seen at one of our neighbouring practices.

They can help with assessing and diagnosing new issues, giving expert advice on how to manage existing problems and referring you on to specialist services if necessary.


The Community Midwifery Team are based at The Nadder Centre.

They provide a range of care to ensure the well-being of the mother and baby such as physical and emotional checks, screening and infant feeding support. 

Extended Care Team

Our Extended Care Team work closely with the Doctors and Nurses to identify and work with those who need support navigating and coordinating health and care services.

They are skilled in assessing people’s changing needs and are effective in helping people to stay well, at home.


We have a qualified paramedic working in our team as an assistant to the doctors on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

They can help with many minor ailments and urgent on the day problems.

Social Prescriber

Social Prescribers connect people to community-based support. This includes activities and services that meet practical, social and emotional needs that can affect health or wellbeing.

They give people time, focusing on what matters to them and make a simple care and support plan; helping people take control of their own health and wellbeing.

Specialist Care Coordiators

We have specialist nurses working in support roles for patients with mental health needs, those with Learning Disabilities, patients with Dementia and those who care for them.

They can support people making care and support plans and help people take control of their own health and wellbeing.