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Surgery Clinics

Blood Tests

Blood Tests are carried out by our phlebotomist by appointment on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Please ask if you need to fast before the test. If you do, then you should eat nothing after 22:00 the previous evening, and drink only water or black tea or coffee before the test.

Chronic Disease Clinics

Patients are seen during normal surgeries/nurse clinics to maximise accessibility. Most check-ups are done annually in the month of your birthday, but may be six monthly if deemed necessary by the GP.  This may be preceded by a blood test either annually or before every check up and an annual urine test.


The surgery works closely with the local memory clinic to diagnose dementia and monitor the treatment of patients with established, stable dementia, including providing prescriptions if needed. Patients with newly diagnosed dementia need to fill out a medical questionnaire for the DVLA. You can download a copy of the form online.

Diabetic Review Clinic

By appointment with Sister Becky Clinch. All diabetic patients should be reviewed in the surgery (or hospital) at least annually in the month of their birthday.

Diabetes – Retinal Photography

For all diabetic patients. Diabetic patients will be invited by the screening service to attend for annual retinal screening.

Freezing Clinic

For the treatment of minor skin lesions. The clinic is run by appointment (at 10 minute intervals) on the third Tuesday of the month between 12:30 and 14:00.

Hearing Aid Test

If you have a Salisbury Hospital hearing aid, the RNID test these free at a walk-in clinic at Mere Surgery 10.00-11.30 on the first Thursday of the month. Hearing aid batteries are available at Westminster Memorial Hospital in Shaftesbury.

Hearing Tests

If you are having problems with hearing, make an appointment with a nurse or paramedic to have your ears checked. They can then advise you or request a referral from the doctor if necessary.

Joint Injections

These can be done by Dr Gareth Dawe in a 15 minute appointment in the afternoons.

Minor Injuries

We have a fully equipped treatment room and can manage most minor injuries. If you suffer a minor injury during surgery hours please contact us first and discuss this with a nurse or doctor. It may be something we can manage in the surgery and will avoid a visit to Accident and Emergency in Salisbury.

Nursing Home Residents

We look after some residents at a local nursing home (Hays House) and a GP visits every week and works closely with the home to promote good care.

Pre- and Post-Operative Care

To save our patients having to travel long distances for tests before an operation (blood samples, urine and swabs, blood pressure, pulse and ECGs), we are happy to do these in the surgery. Please book with a nurse and / or phlebotomist.

Our nurses can remove sutures and clips and dress post-operative wounds in our treatment room. If you have clips that need to be removed, please ensure your consultant gives you the correct tool to remove them, as we do not hold these in the surgery.

Test Results

The GP will contact you routinely if there are any problems with your test results.

You can also view all of your results using the Airmid App. This is also a great way for you to share your results with specialist teams in different hospitals or clinics.

If you do need to contact us about results, the best time is in the afternoon between 16.00 – 17.00.

If the test was organised by the hospital, please ask them how you will find out the result.

The receptionists are not trained to interpret results but will pass on information authorised by the doctor. Please be aware this may involve requests for further discussion on the phone or at an appointment.

Vulnerable Patients

We work closely with the local community and social services to provide more joined up care for those of our patients with the greatest health and social care needs.

Zoladex and Prostap Injections

To treat prostate cancer, these are done by a GP in normal surgery. You may need a blood test a week before the injection.