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Carer Support

Gail Volney is our lead for carer support. She offers one to one support to our patients who are caring for others.

This could range from popping in to see you at home, going for a walk or meeting for a coffee out of the house if that is what you would prefer.

Carers and Friendship Group

We have a Carers and Friendship group offering support to our patients who are caring for others, as well as those who are cared for by members of our community.

This meets the last Monday of the month, apart from December and August, in Hindon Village Hall from 2 – 3.30pm.

Carers’ Walking Group

Some of our carers suggested a walking group, so we have recently set this up in addition to the coffee afternoons.

The walking group meets alternately, on a Friday one month and a Tuesday the next, to try and give everyone a chance to come.

It is a stroll not a hike!